7 Ways to Lose 2 Inches of Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

In 21st century, our lives are too busy. We have to work 9-5 with high intensity brain stress, we eat junk food, we don’t go to Gym; this all things bring us huge amount of body fat which increase day by day and hard to get rid off. Ultra Fast Keto Boost is a healthy diet plan you can choose to improve your lifestyle. It is designed specially for people who are too busy in there work. With Ultra Fast Keto Diet, You can Lose 2 Inches of Belly Fat In 2 Weeks. Ultra Fast Keto Boost is recently launched in Canada, Australia & United States. If you want to know https://www.rectorycafe.com/obesity/ultra-fast-keto-boost/, then visit above website which provides detailed review and pricing information of Ultra Fast Keto Boost.

Over time, all the bad habits bring you lot of bad fat that gets stored in your belly. The risk of sudden death from heart disease, diabetes or blood pressure increases significantly. Luckily, you can take control of your body fat and lose 2 inches within 14 days by following simple but effective strategies described below;

1. Get Up Early


Getting up late is the first bad habit that you have to get rid of in order to get that flat belly. People who sleep late at night and get up late in the morning tend to eat 250 more calories as compared to people who sleep early and get up early. The people who wake up late eat less as compared to people who get up early but they eat more of salty, sugary and junk food which is sure to increase bad fat in the body.

Getting early also increases your metabolism and lowers BMI due to exposure to morning sun rays.

2. Eat More Berries


Try eating a berry instead of sugary junk food. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, all are rich in antioxidant known as resveratrol which is known for reducing inflammation in all parts of the body and flushing out bad fat from the body.

3. Don’t Eat Hydrogenated Oils


Whenever you buy a food product, check if it contain hydrogenated oil. If it does, run away. Hydrogenated oil is a type of trans fat . As per recent study, people who ate food that contained trans fat, saw there body fat spiked up by increased their body fat by 7.2% as compared to people who didn’t eat it. This type of fat also increase your risk of developing a heart disease.

4. Eat More Sprouted Bread


Although most of you may think that bread is not good when you want to reduce your belly, but this is not true. In fact, if you eat sprouted bread, you can get good carbohydrates for energy as well as insulin content which is found in sprouted grains. The introduction of insulin helps in losing belly fat as it is a probiotic fiber.

5. Weight Lifting & Training


You must have heard of doing cardio exercises for losing belly fat but as per recent study, people who did weight training saw there metabolic activity spiked up by 7.7% which helped them reduce belly fat in no time. The study was done on a multi-year period on male participants.

6. Don’t Eat Sweeteners


Weight loss industry is one of the biggest industry. So, many companies come up with different ideas to lose weight. One of the ideas that has taken place recently is eating artificial sweeteners in place of regular sugar for weight loss. However, as per recent study, this artificial do not have significant benefit when compared with there regular sugar counterparts. In fact, they increased chances of abdominal fat by many times as they activate desire for real food.

7. Eat More Fiber


Eating more dietary fiber is linked to losing belly fat in no time. As fiber rich foods satisfy our hunger, we feel full and don’t eat much. As we eat in limits, our body start using fat for source of fuel and you see instant results.

We can eat lot of fiber as it helps in gaining muscle mass and bigger arms. A recent study found that if you increase your fiber intake by 10 gm per day, you will get rid of 3.7% of visceral fat in 5 years. If you are active and do some type of exercise, this study revealed to lose double the amount of fat loss as compared to people who didn’t exercise.